
Verdicts and Settlements



Settlement - $2,000,000 Settlement in Motor Vehicle Accident

Case Summary:

Vaziri Law Group Partner, David Shay, and his team secured a substantial $2 Million settlement on behalf of our client. The settlement stemmed from a motor vehicle accident that occurred in 2022; a catastrophic collision caused by a negligent semi-truck driver.

Facts of the Case:

Our clients were stopped at a red light on Ventura Street, with one client positioned behind our other client in the number two lane, separated by one vehicle. The defendant, operating a semi-truck, was stopped behind our first client. After bringing the semi-truck to a stop, the defendant lost consciousness, causing the truck to accelerate forward. This resulted in the semi-truck colliding with the rear of our clients vehicle, pushing it into the car ahead, and subsequently crashing into our second clients vehicle, pulling it into the intersection.


One client required bilateral joint injections with fluoroscopy and arthrography due to the injuries sustained. The other client underwent injections and a shoulder arthroscopy using the anterior or anterolateral approach technique to address their injuries.

Legal Strategy:

Our legal team conducted a thorough investigation and gathered compelling evidence of the defendant's negligence. By meticulously documenting the extent of our clients' injuries and the comprehensive medical treatments they required, we built a strong case. Our strategic legal tactics emphasized the severity of the injuries and their impact on our clients' quality of life, enabling effective negotiation with the defendants.

Pursuing Justice:

We are dedicated to securing the compensation our clients deserve for their medical expenses, pain and suffering, and the long-term impact of the accident. Our unwavering support and diligent legal efforts are central to our advocacy.

[LAW FIRM NAME] Is Here for You

At [LAW FIRM NAME], [I/WE] focus on [PRACTICE AREA(S)] and [I/WE] [AM/ARE] here to listen to you and help you navigate the legal system.

We Focus On Your Case So You Can Focus On Healing

If you were injured as the result of someone else's negligence, our legal team is standing by to help. We've helped victims recover over $1 Billion with a 98% success rate. We can help guide you through the entire claim process. Call us at 310-777-7540 for a free, confidential consultation.
