
Orange County Car Accident Lawyer


Car accidents are a sad, daily reality in Orange County, which is notorious for its busy streets and crowded freeways. These collisions, regardless of whether they occur in a residential neighborhood or a freeway, have the potential to cause major injuries or even fatalities. Car accident cases involve not just drivers, but also employers, corporations and other parties such as automakers.

Car accident cases can be extremely complex because they may involve multiple parties and insurance companies. If you have been injured in a car accident, you may be faced with roadblocks you never imagined. Facing these challenges at an already stressful time can become overwhelming.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident, the experienced Orange County car accident attorneys at the Vaziri Law Group can help you navigate what can be a complex legal process and help you secure maximum compensation for your losses. Contact us to find out how we can help you.

What to Do After a Car Accident in Orange County

If you have been injured in an Orange County car accident, here are some of the steps you would be well advised to take in order to protect your legal rights:

Medical attention:

After a crash, it is important to get medical attention and follow your doctor's orders. Some car accident injuries may not manifest until a few days later. Seeing your doctor right away helps put you on the road to recovery and document the types of injuries you suffered and the treatment you sought.

Contacting a lawyer:

Once you have received medical attention, it is important to contact an experienced Orange County car accident lawyer as soon as possible. Our attorneys will immediately examine the facts of your case, launch an investigation and help you evaluate your options. We have the ability to handle all aspects of your case so you can focus on healing from your injuries.

Filing an insurance claim:

Your attorney can help deal with the insurance companies of other parties involved. It is best to allow your attorney to deal with insurance companies. Don't provide statements to insurance companies or sign any agreements or waivers without consulting your lawyer.

Filing a personal injury claim:

It may become necessary to file a personal injury lawsuit in Orange County civil court. A majority of personal injury cases in Orange County settle out of court. However, some cases do proceed to jury trial. It is important to have an experienced trial attorney on your side, should it become necessary to take the case to a trial.

Types of Car Accidents and Injuries

Some of the common injuries sustained in car accidents include traumatic brain injuries, spinal injuries, internal organ damage, multiple broken bones, limb amputations, etc. While catastrophic injuries can cause permanent disabilities, even non-life-threatening injuries such as broken bones could take several months to heal. The costs of treating these injuries can add up very quickly.

In any type of crash, proving fault and liability can be extremely important when it comes to determining your car accident settlement amount. An experienced Orange County car accident lawyer can help thoroughly investigate and analyze the facts of your case so you are poised to receive the maximum compensation possible.

Los Angeles Bus Accident Law Firm

Our Orange County car accident lawyers often find that collisions are largely caused by negligent drivers who operate a vehicle while intoxicated, distracted, fatigued or while violating the rules of the road. Here are some of the common types of accidents we see:

Head-on crashes:

These often occur when a driver makes an unsafe turn or crosses over to opposing lanes of traffic.

Rear-end accidents: :

The most common causes of rear-end accidents include distracted driving, speeding and following too closely. Even rear-end accidents that occur at slower speeds could lead to devastating injuries.

Rollover crashes:

These types of accidents could result in occupants getting ejected from vehicles. They also result in catastrophic injuries such as brain trauma and spinal cord damage.

Side-impact or broadside crashes:

A vast majority of these crashes occur at street intersections where one vehicle runs a red light or fails to yield the right of way.

What Damages Can You Recover in an Orange County Car Accident?

Here are some of the examples of compensation you can seek after an Orange County car accident:

Medical expenses: This typically includes cost of emergency treatment including ambulance transportation, hospitalization, surgeries, physical therapy, cost of medications, medical equipment and so on. Your settlement amount should also cover the cost of future medical expenses connected to your car accident injuries.

Lost income: It is not possible to work when you are seriously injured. You may require extended hospitalization or rehabilitation. In addition, you may also suffer injuries so severe that you may never be able to return to work. Injured car accident victims can seek compensation for lost income as well as loss of earning capacity.

Non-economic damages: These include compensation for losses such as physical pain, emotional trauma, loss of life's enjoyment, loss of consortium, etc.

How Can a Car Accident Lawyer Help You Seek Compensation?

In a car accident case, the burden of proof to show evidence of negligence is on the plaintiff. This means you must prove that the other party acted negligently (carelessly) and caused your injuries and damages. For example, if you were struck by a distracted driver, you must prove that the driver acted negligently.

While this may sound simple enough, there are a number of pieces of evidence that must be compiled including the driver's cell phone records, police reports, your medical records and so on. Such evidence is necessary in order to prove not just negligence on the part of the other driver, but also to show that you suffered injuries and losses as a result of that negligence.

The experienced Orange County car accident lawyers understand the physical, emotional and financial struggles faced by victims and their families. We are here to help you at every turn so you can remove that stress from your life and focus on healing. Call us at 877-812-1085 to obtain more information about pursuing fair compensation for your losses.

[LAW FIRM NAME] Is Here for You

At [LAW FIRM NAME], [I/WE] focus on [PRACTICE AREA(S)] and [I/WE] [AM/ARE] here to listen to you and help you navigate the legal system.

We Focus On Your Case So You Can Focus On Healing

If you were injured as the result of someone else's negligence, our legal team is standing by to help. We've helped victims recover over $1 Billion with a 98% success rate. We can help guide you through the entire claim process. Call us at 310-777-7540 for a free, confidential consultation.
