Slip and fall accidents are among the most common premises liability accidents that cause injuries. They can happen anywhere, to anyone, and at any time. While sometimes these accidents are just that, an accident, they are often caused by factors that could have been prevented.
Slip and fall accidents are often the result of a negligent homeowner. That can include uneven walkways, broken sidewalks, faulty stair railings, leaks without warning, and many other possibilities. However, in order to sue the property owner and get compensation, you must be able to prove that your injuries were caused by their negligence.
How to do this? Here is a guide to what evidence you may need in a slip and fall personal injury claim:
· Photographs. If possible, or you have someone who can, take pictures of the scene of the accident. Similarly, observe the surrounding area. Are there any spills? some danger without warning? If so, take pictures of this too.
· Video. Many public places have video surveillance. See if you can get a copy of the video showing the accident. This can be very helpful in proving that you did nothing to cause the accident.
· Witness statements. Witness statements or testimony are essential evidence. Witnesses can describe what they saw before the accident and immediately afterward.
· Medical evidence. Perhaps the most crucial and credible evidence is medical evidence. After a slip and fall, seek medical attention and document the cause of your injuries. Keep copies of all medical records, bills, prescription costs, etc.
· Expert witnesses. Sometimes you need the presence of expert witnesses to prove your statement. This could be a medical expert or an expert in a specific field related to your injury.
Each year, about one million people seek emergency care for slip and fall accidents. People of all ages experience these accidents and sustain injuries ranging from minor bruises to potentially disabling head injuries. What makes these statistics even more concerning is the fact that many slip and fall accidents are preventable.
When you think of a slip and fall accident, your mind may immediately go to the image of a person walking through a supermarket, slipping on spilled liquid and hitting the floor. This is a common occurrence, but it is not the only type of slip and fall accident.
Take a look at the most common causes of slip and fall accidents to see what we mean.
Most common causes of slip and fall accidents:
Reviewing the most common causes of these types of accidents shows how easily they can be prevented.
1. Wet and uneven surfaces. These are the two most common causes of slip and fall accidents, accounting for about 55% of all accidents. Some of the common causes of these accidents include:
- Potholes
- Defective sidewalks
- Freshly mopped floors
- Loose rugs
- Torn carpet
- Loose pallets
2. Weather conditions. Weather conditions are a less predictable cause of slip and fall accidents. It is the owners' responsibility to keep their property in good repair, including sidewalks, driveways, stairways, and walkways. They should be kept clean and free of debris, water, ice, and slippery leaves.
3. Nursing home neglect. As sad as it is to imagine, slip and fall accidents can be the result of nursing home negligence. Older people often require help walking, standing, or bathing. When they don't receive this help, they are susceptible to slips, trips, and falls. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in three adults over the age of 65 falls each year.
Get help collecting evidence of your accident
Not sure how to get evidence or get started on a slip and fall claim? The Vaziri Law Group Personal Injury Attorneys can help you. Let our personal injury attorneys in Los Angeles help you build a strong case, prove the injuries you suffered, and get the compensation you deserve.
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